Shafaq News/ A 90-day emergency plan has been launched, on Friday, aiming atincreasing oil production in the Dhi Qar, according to Saeed Zghir Shalgha, thedirector general of Dhi Qar Oil Company.
“The plan includes the introduction of five new wells to support productioncapacity,” he added in a statement.
Shalgha, during a visit to the Nassiriya oilfield, stated that the company is intensifying its field efforts incoordination with the Ministry of Oil to meet the goals within a tightschedule.
He also revealed "technical and logistical support from national oilcompanies to enhance production and ensure supply stability,” pointing out thatthere are major projects underway to invest in associated gas, including thecommissioning of the first phase of the gas treatment project at the Gharrafoil field and the completion of the gas gathering and compression project atthe Nassiriya field.
Shalgha emphasized that the company follows a "production-first"strategy and closely monitors work digitally, with periodic reports to ensurethat projects align with government plans to enhance oil revenues and increaseexports.