Rwanga launches tree campaign: “Every Planting is a Hope”

Last Update: 2025-03-15 14:05:26 - Source: Shafaq News
Rwanga launches tree campaign: “Every Planting is a Hope”

Shafaq News/ The Rwanga Foundation, ledby its President and Founder Idris Nechirvan Barzani, launched a tree-plantingcampaign at Erbil Polytechnic University on Friday.

On X, the Foundation stated that the campaign,held under the slogan “Every Planting is a Hope,” marked the anniversary ofKurdish national leader Mustafa Barzani’s birth and aimed to “promoteenvironmental awareness” among students and academics.

The Rwanga Foundation also emphasized itsdedication to implementingenvironmental initiatives throughout the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, reflecting FounderBarzani’s vision to “fostering a culture of planting and environmentalprotection.”

About Rwanga Foundation

The Rwanga Foundation, foundedby Idris Nechirvan Barzani in 2013, is a prominent philanthropic organizationin the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, dedicated to providing quality education forevery child. Over the years, the foundation has broadened its scope toencompass various initiatives, including economic development, youthempowerment, environmental protection, and support for charitable causes.

Rwanga Foundation’s impactfulprojects have benefited over three million people, including refugees anddisplaced individuals, highlighting its commitment to community support anddevelopment. The organization is also focused on addressing climate changethrough innovative local projects that align with its environmental goals.

In addition to its educationalinitiatives, the Foundation plays a significant role in promoting highereducation in the region, with its chancellor serving at the University ofKurdistan – Hewler.