Shafaq News/ Iraq’s construction ofa new refining unit at Maysan Refinery would increase its production capacityto over 100,000 barrels per day (bpd), an official from the Ministry of Oilannounced on Wednesday.
During his visit to Maysan Refineryto monitor the construction project of the new 70,000-barrel refining unit,Deputy Minister for Refining Affairs Adnan Mohammed Hamoud reaffirmed thegovernment's support for the development of the refining sector, highlightingits "crucial role in achieving self-sufficiency and reducing reliance onimports."
Hamoud emphasized the importance ofspeeding up civil works and foundation pouring according to the set timelines,using a two-shift work system to ensure faster implementation.
"The project is based on thelatest global specifications and standards, which will increase the refinery'sproduction capacity to 110,000 bpd, enhancing the Ministry's ability to meetthe fuel needs of Maysan Province and surrounding areas," he added.
Notably, Iraq is working to expandoil and gas production in Maysan province, conducting many initiatives to addresspower shortages, especially in central and southern Iraq.