Shafaq News/The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc in Nineveh’s provincial councilboycotted Sunday’s session, protesting what it described as a disregard forpolitical balances and the legitimacy of the council’s decision-making process.
The KDP bloccriticized the council’s leadership, accusing it of downplaying the absence ofan absolute majority of members from the session.
“Thecouncil’s current trajectory, under its embattled chairman Ahmad Al-Hasoud, hasled to instability and weakened governance in the province,” KDP said.
The disputestems from the council’s earlier vote to remove Al-Hasoud from his position, adecision the KDP bloc insists was made by a legitimate majority. Despite anadministrative court order suspending the dismissal until a final ruling inApril, the KDP argues that the vote reflects the genuine will of Nineveh’srepresentatives and should be respected.
The councilfailed to reach quorum in Sunday’s session, forcing it to downgrade to adiscussion meeting on the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in the province.Al-Hasoud blamed absent members for stalling key decisions, but the KDP blocmaintains that his removal is legally and politically justified.
Tensionswithin the Nineveh council mirror broader political divisions in the province,with rival blocs clashing over leadership and governance priorities. Observerswarn that the ongoing power struggle could further disrupt administrative andservice-related efforts in the region.
KDP secures4 seats out of 29 in the council.