Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Kurdish LeaderMasoud Barzani expressed his joy and satisfaction over the "unprecedentedenthusiasm" displayed by a large number of Kurdish citizens at the Nowruzcelebrations held in the German city of Cologne.
In an official statement, Barzani describedthe event as a "clear indicator of the strength and vitality of Kurdishcommunities abroad," emphasizing that it proved that Kurds living outsidetheir homeland form a powerful force, always ready to support the legitimatecause of Kurdistan in international forums and before the global publicopinion.
Barzani also affirmed that the"true voice” of the participants at the celebration "foiled attemptsto create chaos and disruption by untrustworthy hands," asserting thatloyalty to the homeland and Kurdish identity prevailed, leading to success.
The Kurdish leader praised thededication of all those involved in the event, recognizing their active Kurdishspirit and national pride, and for conveying the message of peace that theirpeople embody to the world through this grand gathering.
He also expressed hope for"continuous joy and happiness, and that their celebrations are filled withgoodness."
On Saturday, over 50,000 peopleattended the Nowruz celebrations in Cologne, with German police reporting theparticipation of tens of thousands, attributing the large turnout to themassive crowd. They confirmed that the event was peaceful and went smoothly.
Nowruz, which marks the first day ofthe Kurdish solar new year, falls on the 9th of March in the Greek calendar orthe 21st of March in the Western calendar. It symbolizes the day when day andnight are equal in length and has been celebrated by the Kurdish people forthousands of years as a national and patriotic holiday.