Shafaq News/ Adocument obtained by Shafaq News outlines a joint political vision agreed uponby Syrian Kurdish parties to establish a democratic, pluralistic state thatensures equal citizenship and recognizes Kurdish national rights.
According to ShafaqNews sources, the agreement—expected to be announced in the comingdays—represents a consensus between the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) and theDemocratic Union Party (PYD).
The negotiations, mediatedby the US-led Global Coalition and overseen by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)commander Mazloum Abdi, have aimed to unify Kurdish political positions aheadof potential talks with the Syrian transitional government in Damascus.
The document consistsof two main sections and more than 25 provisions. A Kurdish official toldShafaq News that it “lays the foundation for a democratic Syria that upholdsthe rights of all communities while maintaining the country’s territorialintegrity within a federal framework.”
The Political Vision
The documentasserts that Syria is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-culturalstate. Its constitution must guarantee the rights of all communities, includingArabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Assyrians, and Turkmens, alongside religious minorities.
-Commitment tointernational treaties, equal citizenship, and human rights.
- A mixedparliamentary system with political pluralism and separation of powers.
-Decentralization toensure fair distribution of power and resources.
- Representation ofSyria’s ethnic and cultural diversity in the state’s name, flag, and nationalanthem.
-State neutrality onreligion, with official recognition of Yazidism.
-A national identitythat respects all communities.
-Constitutionalgender equality and fair representation of women in institutions.
-Protection ofchildren’s rights under UN conventions.
-Revision ofadministrative divisions based on demographics and geography.
-Recovery of lootedSyrian artifacts, both domestically and abroad.
-Reversingdemographic changes and ensuring the return of displaced people, particularlyin Kurdish-majority areas such as Afrin, Ras al-Ain, and Tell Abyad, whilerestoring state sovereignty.
-Establishment of aUN-backed preparatory committee to include all Syrian parties, paving the wayfor a constitutional declaration and a transitional government with full executivepowers.
Kurdish NationalRights
The documentunderscores the need for constitutional recognition of the Kurdish people’sexistence and rights in Syria, including:
- UnifyingKurdish-majority areas as a political and administrative entity within a federalSyria.
- Recognizing Kurdishrights in politics, culture, and governance.
- Honoring thesacrifices of Kurdish fighters in the Syrian revolution and ensuring supportfor their families.
-Ensuring fair youthrepresentation in state institutions.
-EstablishingKurdish as an official language alongside Arabic and securing Kurdish-languageeducation.
-Creating Kurdishcultural and media centers and supporting research on Kurdish heritage.
-GuaranteeingKurdish representation in Syria’s legislative, executive, and judicialinstitutions.
-Officialrecognition of Nowruz as a national holiday.
- Endingdiscriminatory policies such as the Arab Belt project and forced Arabization,with compensation for affected individuals.
- Restoring Syriancitizenship to stateless Kurds who lost it due to the exceptional 1962 census.
- Developing infrastructure in Kurdish regions andallocating a portion of local natural resource revenues for reconstruction anddevelopment after decades of marginalization.