Shafaq News/Senior officials from Turkiye’s pro-Kurdish parties met with leaders of Iraq’sChange Movement (Gorran) in Al-Sulaymaniyah on Tuesday.
The delegationincluded Keskin Bay?nd?r, co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP),alongside Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) representatives Berdan Öztürk andEbru Günay. They were joined by Mardin MP Saliha Aydeniz and HDP senior memberAdalet Fidan. Gorran’s General Coordinator, Dana Ahmed Majid, hosted the talks,accompanied by senior officials Sheikh Kamil Sheikh Qadir and Bakhtiyar OmarOli, Gulistan Said, and Jwanro Mohammed.
Shafaq Newscorrespondent reported that the talks focused on political cooperation andprospects for democratic solutions to Kurdish issues across the region.Discussions also centered on bilateral ties and challenges facing Kurdishmovements, including political marginalization and regional instability.
"Kurds acrossKurdistan have endured decades of displacement and repression. War has broughtno solutions—only peace with guaranteed rights can," Gorran officialJwanro Mohammed told reporters after the meeting.
As politicalpressure intensifies across Kurdish regions in Turkiye and Syria, parties haveinitiated a series of discussions among themselves and with authorities in abid to secure Kurdish rights.