KDP: Kirkuk hiring a ‘systematic marginalization’

Last Update: 2025-03-28 15:15:23 - Source: Shafaq News
KDP: Kirkuk hiring a ‘systematic marginalization’

Shafaq News/ On Friday, the KurdistanDemocratic Party (KDP) bloc in the Kirkuk Provincial Council condemned what itcalled discriminatory hiring practices in recent public sector appointments.

In a statement, the bloc alleged thatKurds were sidelined in a recent round of government appointments, receivingonly 7 out of 156 positions following a state-run training course, despiteKurdish voter turnout surpassing 50% in the latest federally supervisedelections.

The KDP accused authorities ofimplementing “a systematic policy of marginalization” to diminish Kurdishparticipation in local governance, warning that Kurdish representation inKirkuk’s institutions has fallen below 15%.

Calling the disparity a violation ofconstitutional guarantees of equality and justice, the bloc urged federal andlocal governments to address the imbalance and ensure hiring reflects theprovince’s demographic composition.

It also rejected what it called“politically motivated discrimination,” announcing plans to pursue legal andconstitutional measures, including peaceful protests protected under Iraqi law.