Qualspire Health
Jim Schafer - Founder of Qualspire
Jim Schafer - Qualspire
— Jim Schafer
Qualspire Health was formed by Jim Schafer, former VP of Health Services for Hatfield Medical Group, to improve primary healthcare in Arizona. Jim Schafer and his partners are determined to fund acquisitions of primary care medical practices that will not only provide the IT infrastructure and technology to improve health care, but also the way data and analytics are maintained, implemented and shared,. Quality inspired health is what Qualspire Health stands for, something that they believe everyone deserves.
The goals of Qualspire Health are far-reaching and are aimed at improving the quality of healthcare outcomes. They want to ensure that there is a decrease in rising healthcare costs, while also ensuring that patients are provided with a superior experience, while also improving the well-being of healthcare teams.
Value-based healthcare models are the future of medicine and lead to better patient care. The evidence-based reduction of the incidences and effects of chronic disease and the general improvement of the overall health of patients is rewarded. These rewards are then passed down to health providers and organizations.
Creating a value-based care model is an essential step in improving the quality of healthcare outcomes while decreasing healthcare costs. The model moves away from fee-for-service and is based on value-based healthcare which helps keep the cost of healthcare down while offering quality care and better patient satisfaction.
With value-based care, providers are paid based on quality care, rather than the quantity of care given to their patients.
“It is all about serving the community,” says Jim Schafer, “and this entails ensuring that there is the right data in place to ensure a proactive approach. Primary healthcare is all about access, prevention, and better management of chronic conditions. This also needs to be more affordable to all.”
Value-based care, according to Jim Schafer, requires a big investment in technology and staff training so that there can be the correct capturing of data, tracking of patients, and the relevant action concerning the data at the point of care.
Those paying for healthcare, particularly insurance carriers do want to boost value in healthcare, but they need the data to prove that these care models work. When providers can reduce the per capita cost of healthcare and prove that there is an increased improvement in the quality provided, insurance carriers will allocate their money to them.
Therefore, the benefits of a value-based healthcare system are felt by the whole nation, because not only is there reduced healthcare spending, but the overall health of the population improves. For insurance companies, it provides stronger cost control and reduced risk among the population. These payers of service can then bundle payments for a full care cycle, increasing their efficiency. As national health expenditures increase, it’s imperative Providers align their practices according to patient outcomes. Payment can be tied to the value offered patients, something that is expected to become easier as individual engage more in their care and have time with their Providers as value-based models are being implemented more widely.
The benefits for patients include better health outcomes and lower costs. Not only can they better manage chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, but value-based healthcare also ensures better coordination of care after injuries and illnesses. However, managing and preventing chronic disease is the primary benefit for patients because they require fewer ER visits and hospitalizations, fewer tests, procedures, and spend less money on medications.
For healthcare providers, value-based care leads to an increased amount of time on preventing the onset or deterioration of chronic diseases, and will have the support and resources for the management of these conditions. Whereas their volumes of patients come down, they offer better patient engagement and quality, which ensures that they are rewarded for offering higher value.
Qualspire Health is investing in quality patient care throughout Arizona through a combined effort that includes funding creative acquisitions. Creating a value-based care model that includes everyone involved in the medical arena is the only way to ensure that people live healthier lives while lowering the burden of healthcare costs for everyone.
About Jim Schafer: For over 20 years, Jim Schafer has been garnering experiences in the medical arena, including clinical, operational, financial, and leadership. However, his passion has always been to see an improvement in the quality and experience of healthcare. He has played a major role in the implementation of value-based health care in Arizona. His experience is invaluable to Qualspire Health as he fully understands the metrics behind navigating risk adjustment, quality data analysis, healthcare quality, interoperability, contract negotiations, primary health management, risk stratification and healthcare administration.
For future updates, visit the official website of Qualspire Health.
Jim Schafer
Qualspire Health LLC
+1 414-975-3236
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