Nasrallah: Iraq is a "great open opportunity" for Lebanon

Last Update: 2020-07-08 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, considered today, Tuesday, that "heading east" does not mean burning bridges with the world "including the West and America", while Iraq is considered a "great opportunity to Lebanon."

Nasrallah said that, "the approach to the economic situation must be a national approach," explaining that, "heading east does not mean cutting ties with the West, and we are open for any country that is willing to help Lebanon, place deposits and provide loans, with the exception of Israel".

 Noting, "The path of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund should not be blocked, but all pathways that prevent collapse and starvation in Lebanon must also be opened", adding that, "Iraq is a great opportunity for Lebanon".

Today, Tuesday, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, was optimistic towards the outcomes of the visit of the Iraqi delegation to Beirut.

Lebanese media reported on July 3 that the Lebanese Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, had met an Iraqi ministerial delegation that included the ministers of agriculture, education, oil and industry. A source in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry told Shafaq News to visit the delegation, which is focused on concluding an agreement with Lebanon on importing agricultural and industrial products in exchange for Iraqi oil.