Former Iranian leader says freedoms reached the worst ever

Last Update: 2019-02-26 00:00:00 - Source: Baghdad Post

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has slammed the oppression of freedoms in his country, describing it as the worst ever.

He confirmed jailing opponents, saying that prisons have become full of them.

In remarks, Ahmadinejad, who was in office for two terms in row, fiercely attacked President Hassan Rouhani, Sadeq Larijani, the chief of Iran's judiciary and Ali Larijani, the parliament speaker, saying that prisons are full of their opponents.

“Today we face in Iran the regime of the family,” Ahmadinejad said. Regarding the economic situation, he said it was better under the rule of the Shah, but after the revolution, the institutions seized the people’s money with the pretext of capitalism.

He also indicated that freedoms are going worse everyday, saying that judiciary does not accept the minimum of criticism. He expressed no hopes of improvement.

Regarding the supreme leader’s instructions not to run for presidential elections in 2017 fearing polarization, Ahmadinejad said he believed the opposite and that polarization would fade away in case he ran for elections. However, he said he did not ask the supreme leader about running for elections.

Moreover, Ahmadinejad revealed about conflicts that took place under his rule with the supreme leader, saying he dismissed his deputy and did not allow him to sack some ministers.

Speaking about the condition he set to hold early elections, Ahmadinejad wondered if no manipulation occurred during the previous presidential elections.