A leader of PMF succumbed to wounds he sustained in an explosion

Last Update: 2020-07-17 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / A security source in Saladin reported, on Friday, that an official in the tribal crowd - comprising Sunni fighters from Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi (PMF)- passed away of wounds he sustained in a bomb attack at the outskirts of Baiji district, north of Saladin.

The source told Shafaq News agency that "Sheik Shaalan Nimrawi", the official of "Tal Abu Jarad" force affiliated with the 51st Brigade Sheikh died today of his wounds.

The source indicated that Sheikh Al-Nimrawi was admitted to the hospital after he sustained serious injuries from an explosive device that targeted him and five of his companions, who lost their lives immediately.

The district of Baiji is located in the northern the Governorate of Saladin, with a population of about 175,000. The district was occupied by ISIS in 2014 before it was liberated by the security forces and Al-Hashd in intense battles that spanned over more than a year.