Trump advisor Kushner meets President Erdogan in Turkey

Last Update: 2019-02-27 00:00:00 - Source: Rudaw

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Jared Kushner, a top aide to US President Donald Trump, met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on Wednesday.

The Turkish presidency confirmed the meeting in a brief statement, but details of the meetings were not immediately available.

US-Turkey relations have deteriorated because of Washington's support for the Peoples' Protection Units (PYD) in the international coalition's fight against ISIS. Turkey also is angered that Trump has scaled back his planned troop withdraw from northeast Syria.

Kushner has also been put in charge of the president's Israel-Palestine policy. Erdogan was one of the most outspoken critics when Trump decided to move its embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as the Israeli capital. 

The US advisor also met with Treasury Minister Berat Albayrak who like Kushner is the son-in-law of their countries' president. Kushner has a background in business and investing. 

Retaliatory sanctions, which were lifted following Turkey's release of Pastor Andrew Brunson, have caused economic problems ahead of local and municipal elections on March 31. 

The value of the lira has plummeted against the dollar during Trump's presidency. At the end of 2016, 1 lira was worth $0.34, as of Wednesday the exchange was $0.19. 

Turkey is the Kurdistan Region's top trading partner, and the second for Iraq. 

Kushner is on a week-long visit across the Middle East. Reuters reported that economic issues were to be the focus of his meetings, citing unnamed US officials.

In a bid to improve relations, Trump nominated David Michael Satterfield to be his ambassador to Turkey on February 15. Satterfield is a career diplomat with experience in the Middle East. He was previously acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

He replaces John Bass who was an Obama administration pick. Trump was criticized for not appointing his own ambassador, given soured relations between the two strategic NATO allies.

This is a developing story...