A security source in Anbar province, Saturday, said that a US force wandered in areas south of Fallujah, despite repeated government exile to travel these forces in the country.
The source said in a statement that “an American force wandered in al-Shuhadaa and Jbail neighborhoods south of Fallujah without knowing the reasons”.
He added that “the force consists of four Hummers wandered in the neighborhood without knowing the real motives behind the process of entering Fallujah," explaining that "the force emerged from the two areas after roaming”.
The security analyst Hussein Kanani had confirmed earlier, that US forces and through its movements in the country seeks to create a major security problem that makes the Iraqi citizens and government suffer from them.
The MP for the Fatah alliance, Mohammed Karim, said on Wednesday, that all US movements on Iraqi territory do not care official title of the federal government.
Source: english.hathalyoum.net