Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran, Iraq, Turkey | Flood Situation: Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – DG ECHO Daily Map | 26/03/2019

Last Update: 2019-03-26 00:00:00 - Source: Relief Web

Source: European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Turkey

• Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern and southern Iran, most of Iraq, as well as eastern Turkey over the past 10-days, triggering flash floods that have resulted in casualties.

• In Iran, 19 people were reported dead, and approximately 100 injured, while hundreds of buildings have been damaged across Fars Province (in particular in the Shiraz city area). In addition, 56 000 people were affected across Golestan and Mazandaranthe Province.

• In Iraq, heavy rain caused floods, swamping rural areas of the provinces of Wasit, Babil,
Basra, and Nineveh. One person was reported 56 000 dead in Wasit Province.