Iraq: Iraq - Severe weather (UN OCHA, NOAA, Floodlist, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 5 April 2019)

Last Update: 2019-04-05 00:00:00- Source: Relief Web

Source: European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Country: Iraq

Heavy rain and strong winds have been affecting central and northern governorates of Iraq since 23 March. As of 4 April at 8.00, UN OCHA reports that at least 1 233 displaced families, while approximately 12,000 have been affected by flooding along the Tigris River. In Mosul (Ninewa governorate) five bridges have been closed, and several dams in Diyala governorate are operating at or near capacity. For the next 72 hours, moderate rainfall is forecast over northern, eastern and south-eastern regions of the country.