Drought Reveals 3,400-Year-Old City In Iraq

Last Update: 2022-06-13 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

Drought conditions have caused the 3,400-year-old city of Zakhiku to re-emerge. Located in modern-day Iraq, the architectural site from the Mittani Empire was inundated after the Mosul dam was erected in 1980. However, as Southern Iraq has become increasingly dry, the Tigris River has receded, once again making Zakhiku accessible.

Over the past decade, Zakhiku has revealed itself on a few occasions — generally in November after long, warm summers that also cause water levels to drop. However, this is the first year that the city remained accessible through the winter, likely due to dam waters being re-directed towards farms.

The last time the city reappeared, in 2018, researchers mapped it and discovered several walls and towers, an industrial complex, and an enormous storage area, suggesting this was a major hub for goods in Northern Mesopotamia.

“The excavation results show that the site was an important center in the Mittani Empire,” said Dr. Hasan Ahmed Qasim, chairman of the Kurdistan Archaeology Organization.


Despite the site’s submersion over the past 40 years, the site has remained well-preserved because an earthquake caused debris to cover and protect it. This has allowed especially rare items, such as several dozen cuneiform tablets with pictograms found earlier this year, to remain intact.

Zakhiku is now once again underwater, but has been protected by plastic tarps so that it can continue to be excavated the next time it dries out (unlike more than 100 other submerged sites within this region of the Tigris River). But, samples that have been discovered are being archived at the nearby Dhoku Museum, though they are far from ready for a museum exhibit.

It is worth nothing that another reason Zakhiku is accessible now is that, prior to the dam’s construction, Saddam Hussein’s regime displaced the local inhabitants who have inherited folklore about their ancestors from Zakhiku. They have since established a new village approximately 5 kilometers away, known as Kemune.