Kurdistan halts oil exports to Turkey after the earthquake

Last Update: 2023-02-06 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Kurdish Ministry of Natural Resources suspended oil exports to Turkey, attributing that to the recent earthquakes.

The Ministry said in a statement that the step came to maintain the safety of the oil export process through the Kirkuk–Ceyhan Oil Pipeline.

The Kirkuk–Ceyhan Oil Pipeline is a 970 km pipeline from Kirkuk in Iraq to Ceyhan in Turkey. It is Iraq's most extensive crude oil export line.

In 2013, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq completed a pipeline from the Taq Taq oil field through Khurmala (the northwest sector dome of the greater Kirkuk field) and Duhok to Pesh Khabur (Fesh Khabur) on the Turkey-Iraq border, where it is connected to the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline.