Kurdistan "strongly" rejects accusation of selling oil to Israel

Last Update: 2023-02-11 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Kurdish Ministry of Natural Resources denied allegations of smuggling oil from Erbil in tankers and selling it to Israel.

The news was circulated on some Iraqi outlets claiming that Israel is indirectly buying oil from Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Ministry "strongly rejects these rumors," considering it the “enemy's attempt to undermine the deal between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government."

"Kurdistan's oil is fully exported through the pipeline and under the supervision of the international professional services network Deloitte."

The Ministry confirms that Erbil always respects the Iraqi constitution and federal laws.

It is worth noting that Deloitte prepares regular reports and conducts periodic audits in cooperation with the Kurdish government in the oil sector. The reports are continuously published for the public