Barzani congratulates women of Kurdistan and the world on IWD

Last Update: 2023-03-08 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, congratulated the women of Kurdistan and the world on the International Women’s Day.

The President said in a statement issued on Wednesday, "I warmly congratulate all women in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world on the International Women’s Day. I wish them further success, perseverance and continuity."

"Women have been organizing themselves for many years. They have struggled in all areas of our society to ensure their legitimate rights, fighting oppression, violence and inequality. As we have already supported women with regards to legal reform, social policies, financial independence and education, we will continue on this path and support their struggle to ensure their complete rights."

He aded' "No society is free and progressive without women’s freedom. We will work to give broader space to women’s participation in political life, administration and all other areas in the Kurdistan Region, as we continue to support the efforts to end violence against women and their legitimate rights."

"In this regard, the Kurdistan Region needs new policies and strategies with the collective participation of all layers of our society. Education, promotion of academic research and scientific work, awareness and comprehensive dialogue are the proper ways to achieve this objective."

The President added, "Praise and congratulations to all the women who have been self confident and made progress in different areas, demonstrated their abilities, carried out their duties and have become pioneers. Women of Kurdistan, along with women around the world, must have stronger participation in women’s issues and other issues of life."

"On this occasion, we highly appreciate the work and struggle of Kurdistan’s women in governmental and non-governmental organizations, offices and institutions. We pay tribute and appreciate the hard work of all the women who work in every field of the public and private sectors and actively take responsibility in the management and construction of our society."

He concluded, "Tributes to the souls of all the women who gave their lives for equality and women’s rights and all those who become victims of violence against women. May their souls rest in peace."