Oilfield in Kurdistan resumes production at full capacity after a week-long halt

Last Update: 2023-04-05 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ After a week-long halt, the Hassira oil field in Garmyan's district of Kafri has resumed crude oil extraction following yesterday's deal between Baghdad and Erbil, an industry insider revealed on Wednesday.

"Following eight days of reduced oil production, the field has returned to its standard capacity as of today," the source said.

While output levels had dropped to 4,000-5,000 barrels per day over the aforementioned period, production has now rebounded to 14,000 barrels daily.

The produced amount was transported via 65 tankers to the Khurmala refinery in Erbil.

The reduction in oil output led to a significant decrease in electricity generation at the Garmyan power station, from 165 to 20 megawatts.

The Kurdistan Regional Government's Ministry of Electricity announced yesterday that the Erbil-Baghdad oil agreement would restore 330 megawatts to the national electricity grid.

On Tuesday, the federal government signed an agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government to resume oil exports.

A government official in Baghdad told Reuters yesterday that Turkey approved a formal request to restore Iraqi oil exports via the Ceyhan port.