Iraq stands as China's third-largest crude supplier in April 2023

Last Update: 2023-05-21 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Iraq ranked third in the hierarchy of China's top crude suppliers in April 2023, data published by the Chinese General Customs Administration showed on Sunday.

At an average of 1.148 million barrels per day, Iraq exported 4.72 million tons, equivalent to approximately 34.456 million barrels, to Chinese refineries during the said month, marking a 15.3% uptick compared to the same period in 2022.

The first trimester of the year, spanning January to April 2023, saw Iraq exporting an aggregate of 20.42 million tons, or 149.066 million barrels, to China at a daily average of 1.221 million barrels, 8.3% above the corresponding period in 2022.

Saudi Arabia, a traditional front-runner, maintained its premier position among China's top suppliers with an export volume of 8.46 million tons, or 2.058 million barrels per day, in April 2023. Russia was ensconced in the second spot, contributing 7.12 million tons, or 1.732 million barrels daily.

Nipping at the heels of Iraq were Angola and Brazil, each exporting 1.97 million tons, equivalent to 479,000 barrels per day, landing them in the fourth and fifth positions, respectively.