Sheikh Jangi criticizes Baghdad, calls for Kurdish unity

Last Update: 2023-09-14 00:00:00 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / Lahur Sheikh Jangi, the former joint president of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), expressed skepticism today about finding solutions to the ongoing issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Baghdad. He went on to assert that the current government in Baghdad acts as a "proxy for neighboring countries."

These remarks were made during his participation in the funeral ceremonies of Karwan Ali Shammar, a close associate of Sheikh Jangi, who tragically lost his life in a car accident in al-Sulaymaniyah. Sheikh Jangi directed critical comments towards Kurdish leaders, stating, "We have shattered the hopes of our people, and may God hold us accountable," while urging Kurdish leaders to unite.

Sheikh Jangi, who previously facilitated solutions between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad during a time when the region was at its peak of influence, expressed regret over the current approach taken towards Baghdad. He indicated that he doesn't believe the problems can be easily resolved, emphasizing that this issue is related to regional powers, and the problem doesn't lie solely in Baghdad. He noted that the current government in Baghdad serves as a proxy for neighboring countries and does not represent the Iraqi people.

He also pointed out that Kurdish disunity has contributed to Baghdad's approach, stating, "Everyone goes and plays a different tune in Baghdad, speaking against each other, and vice versa." Sheikh Jangi emphasized the need for significant changes in the upcoming elections, stating, "The upcoming elections must bring substantial changes to the political landscape."

Regarding the future of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Sheikh Jangi expressed doubt about the possibility of holding a party congress, suggesting that "little remains of what was once known as the Patriotic Union".