Al-Sadr calls for a million-strong demonstration in solidarity with Palestine

Last Update: 2023-10-09 16:30:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, a prominent religious and political figure in Iraq, has called for a million-strong demonstration in Baghdad's Tahrir Square to protest against the deadly Israeli attacks on Palestinians, reiterating solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

"It is our duty as Iraqi mujahideen, resistance fighters against the American occupation, and all those who support the Palestinian cause to stage a unified peaceful million-strong demonstration in the Square of Reform and the Oppressed (Tahrir Square) to raise the voice of Jihad from the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and let it reach the entire world," he said in a statement, "we will burn Israeli flags while holding Palestinian flags alongside the Iraqi flag."

He added, "May this demonstration be a means to disrupt and disperse them, Israel, and cause great fear to the evil America, which supports Zionist terrorism against our loved ones in Palestine."

"We shall meet next Friday, after the unified Friday prayer, with a million-person march from all the governorates to show the corrupt and the oppressors that we continue to support reform and resistance," he continued.