Arab League urges immediate halt to Gaza military operations

Last Update: 2023-10-16 15:15:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, issued a passionate plea on Monday, demanding an immediate cessation of military operations in the Gaza Strip and the establishment of secure passages for its beleaguered inhabitants.

Speaking at the inauguration of the thirty-ninth session of the Arab Council of Ministers of Justice in Baghdad, Aboul Gheit's spokesman, Jamal Rushdi, relayed the Secretary-General's words, condemning what he described as "the brutal aggression inflicted upon our people in Gaza, devoid of any purpose other than their collective punishment and eradication." He pointed out that 2.2 million people in Gaza have been under siege for 17 years, half of whom are children, subjected to a vengeful policy under the indifferent gaze of the world.

"This massacre will haunt not only Israel but also stain the international community and the global conscience that remains silent when silence itself becomes a crime," Aboul Gheit declared.

Rashdi elaborated on the Secretary-General's remarks, highlighting Aboul Gheit's condemnation of the international community's silence and its failure to intervene effectively to halt the ongoing war.

"The forced displacement is a war crime, the lack of distinction between civilians and combatants is a war crime, and collective punishment is a war crime. These are principles of humanitarian law as we know them, but evidently, those who engage in occupation recognize no law in war. Sadly, it seems they receive a tacit approval from the world to commit these massacres," Aboul Gheit remarked.

"We call for an immediate cessation of military operations, swift establishment of safe passages for humanitarian aid, and urgent access for essential supplies. The healthcare system in the region has almost collapsed under continuous bombardment, and immediate action is imperative," Aboul Gheit asserted.