Union to safeguard freedom of expression formed in KRI

Last Update: 2023-10-24 13:15:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / A group of independent journalists and media entities in al-Sulaymaniyah intend to establish a union dedicated to defending freedom of expression in the Kurdistan Region. The union aims to widen the space for expressing opinions amid growing restrictions on free speech.

Kamal Raouf, an independent journalist and a member of the union, stated that the purpose of forming this union, amidst numerous organizations and unions advocating for the rights of opinion holders, is to counter the narrowing of space for free expression and to provide a broader platform for freedom of speech among all sectors, not just limited to journalists. This includes civil activists, writers, and even other citizens, as freedom of expression is a human right guaranteed by laws and constitutions.

Raouf emphasized that what sets this union apart from other unions and organizations is its inclusive membership, which will encompass activists, writers, influencers, as well as journalists and writers from outside the Kurdistan Region. The union's work will be regional and not limited to a specific area or province.

He mentioned that the union will also include independent media organizations and will work to enhance trust among media institutions and build bridges of communication between them to support each other in promoting freedom of expression.

Regarding the reasons for the shrinking space for freedom of expression in Kurdistan, Raouf affirmed that some officials and employees in power do not believe in freedom of expression, leading to narrowing spaces due to misunderstanding or shortcomings in understanding the concept of freedom of expression. Despite the continuous efforts of unions and organizations to defend freedom of expression, significant progress has not been made in this regard.