Kurdistan's President advocates constitutional implementation for Iraq's stability

Last Update: 2023-11-20 11:45:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ In a compelling address at the fourth Middle East Peace and Security Forum (MEPS) in Duhok on Monday, President Nechirvan Barzani underlined the critical role of implementing the constitution and federalism to ensure Iraq's stability.

Barzani expressed his belief that the failure to implement the constitution and federal system over the past two decades has been a consistent destabilizing factor for Iraq. He emphasized that Iraq's trajectory could have been significantly improved if these foundational principles had been effectively executed.

"The solution for Iraq is to return to the principles of partnership, compromise, and balance on which the new Iraq is based. The Iraqi political elite must return to this path," stated President Barzani, offering a roadmap for the nation's stability.

While acknowledging that the outcomes of talks between Erbil and Baghdad have not met the Kurdistan Region's expectations, Barzani stressed the crucial importance of sustained dialogue. He affirmed the commitment of Kurdistan to finding solutions for all problems and firmly stated, "We will not surrender."

President Barzani also addressed the pressing economic challenges in Iraqi Kurdistan, emphasizing the urgency of resolving financial issues between Baghdad and Erbil. He called for the swift development of quick and radical solutions to alleviate the economic hardships of Kurdistan's citizens.

Barzani highlighted the significance of politicians approaching issues with "the spirit of the constitution," asserting that such an approach holds the key to resolving Iraq's multifaceted challenges.