Global Hunger Index: Iraq shows no hunger indicators for eight years

Last Update: 2023-11-23 13:00:07 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The Global Hunger Index recently revealed that Iraq has made significant strides away from the global hunger index over the past eight years.

This specialized platform conducts annual statistical studies focusing on nations most affected by hunger and those with sufficient food resources worldwide.

As per a report released by the platform, "In 2015, Iraq registered a score of 16.5, which has notably decreased to 13.8 in 2023, bringing it closer to the globally recognized threshold of five or lower."

The report highlighted Iraq's previous hunger status, noting that in 2000, the country scored 23.6 on the index, dropping to 20.3 in 2008, thereby placing it at a heightened risk level within the hunger index.

Notably, among the nations that managed to avoid a considerable hunger index impact over the 23-year span were Kuwait, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Croatia, and Estonia. Conversely, countries such as Comoros, Djibouti, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Yemen, and Chad suffered from significant hunger index challenges during this period, primarily observed in African regions.