Sadrist party's followers lead protests refusing elections in Baghdad

Last Update: 2023-12-15 21:45:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / Hundreds of Followers of the Sadr Movement Protest Against Provincial Council Elections in Sadr City

Hundreds of followers of the Sadr movement demonstrated this Friday evening in rejection of the provincial council elections within the city of Sadr, east of Baghdad.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that approximately 1,000 protesters, led by Ibrahim al-Jaberi, the Sadrist party's office manager in Baghdad, gathered this Friday evening on Jawadir Street in Sadr City, east of Baghdad, on the eve of the special voting for the provincial council elections, expressing their refusal towards it.

The source further stated that the security forces blocked Jawadir Street and the connecting street from al-Muthafar Square towards 55 Square, while two drones were seen capturing footage of the demonstrators.