High PMF turnout in special voting for Iraq's local elections

Last Update: 2023-12-16 16:45:04 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) reported a significant turnout among its members during the special voting process for Iraq's local elections.

Muayyad al-Saadi, the PMF's representative in the Security Media Cell, emphasized the smooth coordination between the PMF and security forces, highlighting the absence of pressure on members regarding voting.

Al-Saadi told Shafaq News Agency that the special voting process is proceeding smoothly, "reflecting the success of procedures followed by the security forces and the electoral commission."

He confirmed that no security breaches have been reported in the areas of responsibility of the PMF.

In the same context, Al-Anbar Governorate experienced a temporary stop at one of the PMF voting centers, which was promptly addressed. In Babil Governorate, a high turnout exceeding 43% was reported for security services voting in the local elections.