Saraya Al-Salam Brigades capture ISIS operative in Saladin

Last Update: 2023-12-31 20:30:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / Saraya al-Salam Brigades in Saladin announced on Sunday the arrest of an ISIS terrorist considered one of the brutal members of terrorist groups in a security ambush southeast of Tikrit.

The official spokesperson for Saraya al-Salam, Murtadha Al-Bahadli, told Shafaq News Agency, "A special force from the 313 Brigade of the Samarra Operations Command of Saraya al-Salam managed, through a well-prepared security ambush, to lure the wanted Qasim Dhiaa Faris Al-Mujamai, known as Abu Islam, on the outskirts of Al-Ishaqi district, southeast of Tikrit, arresting him and handing him over to the Security Service."

Al-Bahadli explained that "the terrorist Abu Islam joined ISIS in 2014 in Al-Ishaqi district after being persuaded by his father Dhiaa Faris Al-Mujamai, who was a leader in the organization and was arrested in 2022 in coordination with the security forces." He indicated that "Abu Islam's father was an ISIS leader involved in several terrorist operations, including attacks on security forces in Al-Ishaqi, Al-Ishaqi Island, and the Kuwaiti Street."

He continued, "After the liberation of Al-Ishaqi district, he fled with his father to the western island of Samarra, where they participated in operations against security forces in Watban Street and the village of Hajji Hussein."

Al-Bahadli further added, "After the liberation of the western island of Samarra, they moved with his father to Mosul and joined ISIS there, where he joined the 'That Al-Sawari' Brigade - Brigade Abdullah bin Omar, and the Mujahideen Army. After the liberation of Mosul, he fled to northern Iraq, and after continuous monitoring by the intelligence of Saraya al-Salam’s 313 Brigade, he was lured to the jurisdiction area in Al-Ishaqi, where he was apprehended and handed over to the National Security Service."