Iraq ranks 5th in oil exports to Chinese independent refineries in 2023

Last Update: 2024-01-09 13:00:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / The Chinese Customs Administration announced on Monday the increase in Iraqi oil exports to 32 independent Chinese refineries over a period of 11 months from January to November in 2023.

According to statistics from the administration, Iraq's oil exports to independent Chinese refineries during the 11 months of 2023 reached 10.269 metric tons or the equivalent of 74.963 million barrels, marking a 9.4% decrease from 2022, which stood at 11.337 metric tons or the equivalent of 82.760 million barrels.

The report clarified that Iraq ranked fifth among the top ten countries exporting oil to independent Chinese refineries during the last 11 months of the previous year. It pointed out,"Iraq followed Malaysia, which reached 68.830 million tons, followed by Russia in second place with 45.579 million tons, then Saudi Arabia in third place with 23.173 million tons, and the UAE in fourth place with 19.887 million tons."