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Assyrians celebrate Babylonian New Year "Akitu" іn Duhok (Photos)

Assyrians celebrate Babylonian New Year Akitu nDuhok Photos
Assyrians celebrate Babylonian New Year "Akitu" іn Duhok (Photos)

2024-04-01 16:00:06 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/Assyrians ?n Dohuk celebrated the Babylonian New Year "Akitu" ?n Monday with the participation ?f the Iraqi Christian community ?n America, Europe, and Australia.

Our correspondent reported that the celebration began with a jubilant procession that started from the Mar Gorgis church ?n downtown Duhok and traversed the city streets, ending at "Mazi Mall" square.

He noted the participation ?f representatives from all over Iraq, as well as a broad attendance from the United States and European countries, ?n addition t? delegations from Australia and Canada.

The event was characterized by folkloric dances, performances, and the chanting ?f national and patriotic songs.

Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs ?n Iraq celebrate "Akitu" ?n the first day ?f April according t? the Gregorian calendar and ?s considered one ?f the oldest religious festivals known t? human civilizations ?n Mesopotamia.

According t? historical sources, the celebration ?f this holiday began ?n the 5th millennium BCE, with some historians suggesting that the Sumerians celebrated ?t since the Ubaid period around 5300 BCE ?n Iraq. The Sumerians celebrated ?t around the beginning ?f spring t? mark the renewal ?f the land and the agricultural cycle.

The ancient Semitic people who inhabited ancient Iraq chose t? call ?t "Akitu" ?s believed t? have originated from the Sumerian word "Akiti" ?r "Akítu," which meant barley, emphasizing the agricultural significance ?f the festival.

The "Akitu" festival represents a sacred religious symbol and marks the Assyrian Babylonian New Year, celebrated over a period ?f 12 days, and includes rituals that embody the creation myth and the myth ?f "Enuma Elish," during which life ?s restored t? the god Marduk by his son, the God, Nabu, bringing life back t? nature ?n a new cycle.

In ancient Babylonian language, this holiday was called " R?š Šattim." The word "r?š" means head, and " šattim" means year. In the Sureth language spoken until today by Iraqi Christians, they still pronounce ?t as "R?š Šatt?" which means the beginning ?f the year.

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