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Turkish airstrike sets 1.5 centuries-old trees ablaze in Duhok

Turkish airstrike sets  centuriesold trees ablaze in Duhok
Turkish airstrike sets 1.5 centuries-old trees ablaze in Duhok

2024-06-23 22:20:04 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News / On Sunday, eyewitnesses reported a massive fire in Al-Amadiya district, north of Duhok governorate, following a Turkish airstrike targeting Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) positions. 

The blaze has led to the destruction of century-and-a-half-old trees.

Witnesses told Shafaq News Agency that the fire broke out in areas on the slopes of Mount Matin overlooking Al-Amadiya after a Turkish air raid on PKK positions, spreading rapidly across vast lands.

They explained that the flames engulfed several pastures, burning hundreds of dunams of agricultural land, including vineyards and sumac orchards. 

The fire also consumed oak and green bean trees, some aged between 100 and 150 years, causing significant damage to the area's vegetation.

Witnesses confirmed that the fire is still burning, and residents and civil defense teams cannot reach the area due to ongoing Turkish shelling.

Turkiye has been conducting military operations in northern Iraq for four decades to eliminate the PKK which has used the region as a base for attacks against the former. 

These operations, including airstrikes, shelling, and ground incursions, have caused significant civilian casualties, displacement, and environmental damage.

Ankara frequently expresses disappointment over the Iraqi government's historical reluctance to recognize and ban the PKK as a terrorist organization. However, recent developments indicate a shift in Iraq's position. 

Following high-level discussions between Turkish and Iraqi officials, Iraq has officially designated the PKK as a "banned organization." 

This move aligns with Turkiye’s concerns and opens the door for enhanced cooperation in combating terrorism.

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