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Diyala seeks resolution of political deadlock with dual governor nominations

Diyala seeks resolution of political deadlock with dual governor nominations
Diyala seeks resolution of political deadlock with dual governor nominations

2024-07-01 18:20:05 - Source: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ Turki al-Atbi, the interim chair of Diyala's council, proposed a bipartisan solution to the ongoing political gridlock hindering the formation of a local government in the governorate.

Al-Atbi's initiative, according to a statement he released, involves nominating two candidates for governor: Abdul Rasul al-Atbi, backed by the "State of Law" coalition, and Muthanna al-Tamimi, the Badr Organization's nominee.

A full council meeting with all 15 members would be held, with each candidate presenting their program to the council for a vote. "The winner would become the governor," he said.

Iraq's Diyala Province Seeks to Break "Five months have passed since the first council session, and the political blocs remain locked in a power struggle, each side employing arm-twisting tactics to secure the governorship," he said. "Those who disregard this call are obstructing the formation of a government and bear full responsibility before our people. The judgment is yours, noble and proud citizens."

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