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PM Al-Sudani unveils plans to revitalize Iraq's industrial sector

PM Al-Sudani unveils plans to revitalize Iraq's industrial sector
PM Al-Sudani unveils plans to revitalize Iraq's industrial sector

2024-08-14 16:00:06 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The newly reformedIndustrial Coordination Council, chaired by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed ShiaAl-Sudani, held its inaugural meeting on Wednesday, signaling a renewedcommitment to revitalizing Iraq's industrial sector.

According to Al-Sudani's mediaoffice, the council, tasked with addressing longstanding challenges andpromoting industrial development, adopted a series of strategic decisions aimedat bolstering national industry.

In his opening remarks, the PrimeMinister emphasized that the council is "responsible for advancing theindustrial sector by making decisions that will enhance industrial developmentand address all obstacles facing Iraqi industry."

Al-Sudani directed that thecouncil's meetings prioritize key issues identified by a supporting committee,which includes directors-general from ministries involved in the industrialsector. He also called for the inclusion of officials responsible for industry-relatedagencies and entities in these discussions, underscoring the need for acomprehensive approach to industrial development.

Another point of discussion was theintegration of industrial efforts between the Kurdistan Region and othergovernorates of Iraq. "Large markets, to be activated by the Ministry ofTrade in cooperation with the private sector, will serve as venues forshowcasing locally manufactured products. He also noted the progress made inlocalizing pharmaceutical and construction material industries."

The Prime Minister highlighted thatthe current administration has been proactive in identifying and addressing thechallenges facing Iraqi industry since the beginning of its term. He citedpromising partnerships with major industrial nations such as Japan, Germany,and France, supported by sovereign guarantees, as critical steps towardsrevitalizing the sector.

During the meeting, the councilreviewed working papers presented by the Ministries of Electricity andIndustry, as well as advisors to the Prime Minister's Office. These documentsoutlined strategies for industrial development and proposed enhanced cooperationbetween the private sector and government ministries.