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The world is watching, lives are diminishing, war will not bring peace for Gaza

The world is watching, lives are diminishing, war will not bring peace for Gaza
Serwan Zangana

Serwan Zangana     

After 10 months of the war in Gaza and nearly 40.000 casualties, sadly, the powerful nations are still in talks for peace! What is the cost of peace? 40.000 people and the destruction of a City? In fact, the United States and the European nations are taking their sweet time in their attempt to end the war. After many visits to the Middle East and meetings with the Israeli and Arab government, Antony Blinken, the U.S secretary of state, was not able to bring a solution to the table to end the ongoing catastrophe in Gaza.

     A proposal by the U.S, Egypt, and Qatar was presented to bring Israel and Hamas closer. And President Biden said that he is “optimistic’ that the ceasefire can be reached. Obviously, under bombs and rockets, optimism has lost its meaning in Gaza. Apparently, the U.S under the Biden administration has not been able to effectively be a mediator and negotiate, or implement a halfway solution. Evidently, the decades’ bloody conflict has devastated both Jewish and Palestinian lives and attributed to an immense hate between Arabs and Jewish.

     Now, the U.S is launching a negotiation attempt through a proposal with Egypt and Qatar for a ceasefire, but to realize that the damage has already been done. Biden’s optimism in this proposal is a delusion. In fact, the U.S diplomacy under Biden has proven its failure. The U.S has faced a test and failed. The Biden Administration did not only create a bitter situation with his Arab allies in the Middle East, it caused chaos for Jewish and Muslims in the U.S, as well.

     However, to be noted that Hamas is not an innocent party in this situation. In fact, Hamas’ action by crossing the Israeli border on October 7, and killing 1200 civilians triggered this bloody war. To look back, there have been many proposals, deals, and negotiations throughout the decades of the Israeli-Palestinian war. Many U.S Presidents have presented proposals to end this conflict. But the question is: How many of the U.S presidents were insisting on implementing a policy or presenting a proposal to end this war permanently? 

     Generally, ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires a compromise by both sides. The decades of the conflict have proven that neither Israel nor Palestine will be eliminated and destroyed permanently. It is definitely unlike what former Iranian President Ahmadinejad said, “…Israel must be wiped off the map.” The reality of the existence of Israel must be accepted by Palestinians, and the Palestinian rights and their territory must be recognized by Israel.

     President Biden’s optimism will not stop the bloodshed in the region, and his proposals to ceasefire is just another attempt to regain his political popularity among Arab allies in the Middle East and Arab Americans in the U.S. However, the political game in the Middle East is only deepening the predicament and extending the catastrophe for Jewish and Arabs alike.


The world is watching, lives are diminishing, war will not bring peace



     The dynamic Israeli military forces and its precise intelligence are indeed undeniable. Israel has promised to target and kill Hamas’ leaders. In fact, Not counting Hamas leaders’ assassination in the past, just during this 10 months, Israel has assassinated and killed about 8 senior leaders, including Ismael Haniyeh, the most prominent and top leader of Hamas. Seemingly, Israel’s iron hammer is active in taking Hamas leaders one by one down. But Hamas has not been eradicated and the war is still tearing up the humanity in the region.

     On the other side, Israel has been under attack for many years. The 1948-49 war which Israel had to stand against the attacks from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Indeed, Israel fought persistently and prevailed. However, the attacks on Israel continued by various militia groups. And also, since the Republic Islamic of Iran took over the country in 1979, the Iranian regime has been targeting the Jewish interests and fighting Israel through its proxy groups in the region. But Israel has persistently strived as the Jewish nation continued its vitality.

     However, both Israelis and Palestinians fight for the right to live on this land but war will not win the case. Whether it is likable or not, but Jewish, Muslims, and even Christians are entitled to this land. 

     Therefore, first, Biden’s proposal to ceasefire is standing on a hollow foundation which is not able to effectively bring both sides of the conflict together and stop the fight. Second, as long as Iran is involved in the Palestinians situation, peace will not be hovering in Palestine’s sky. Third, peace is only comes within, which means both Israelis and Palestinians are paralleled in recognizing each other’s right to exist.