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US Ambassador praises Iraqi Kurdistan’s democratic commitment following “successful” Parliamentary elections

US Ambassador praises Iraqi Kurdistan’s democratic commitment following “successful” Parliamentary elections
US Ambassador praises Iraqi Kurdistan’s democratic commitment following “successful” Parliamentary elections

2024-10-21 18:10:26 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ On Monday, USAmbassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski, praised the citizens of the KurdistanRegion for their commitment to democracy and the “successful completion” of the KurdistanParliament elections.

In a statement, Romanowski said, “TheUnited States congratulates the people of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and allpolitical parties on the successful completion of the Iraqi KurdistanParliament elections.”

Romanowski affirmed, “Staff fromU.S. Mission Iraq observed the electoral process at polling sites across theregion on October 18 and 20. We commend the people of the Iraqi KurdistanRegion for their commitment to democracy.”

"The Independent High ElectionCommission (IHEC) acknowledged there were challenges with fingerprintverification during the election,” the US Ambassador noted, urging thecommission “to address this issue ahead of the Iraqi parliamentary election in2025.”

She further encouraged politicalparties and civil society to support “a peaceful transition and form agovernment without delay,” calling on all political parties and security forces“to respect the media and civil society’s vital role in the democratic process.”

“The seating of a new governmentwill allow the Kurdistan Regional Government to strengthen its democraticinstitutions, advance human rights, promote economic development, and enhancethe Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s resiliency as part of a secure, stable, andsovereign Iraq,” she confirmed.