Kurdistan’s Presidency receives official approval for Regional parliamentary elections results

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region of Iraqreceived official approval from the Independent High Electoral Commission(IHEC) of Iraq regarding the the parliamentary election results.
Dilshad Shahab, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Presidency, stated in apress release, "Today, the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region received anofficial letter confirming the ratification of the parliamentary electionresults by the Independent High Electoral Commission."
Shahab further clarified that, in line with the Kurdistan PresidencyLaw, the President of the Kurdistan Region will "call for the firstsession of the parliament at the earliest opportunity."
Jumana Al-Ghalai, spokesperson for IHEC, announced earlier that the IHECBoard of Commissioners met on Sunday (November 24, 2024) and ratified the finalresults of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament elections.
On October 21, IHEC announced the preliminary results of the Kurdistanparliamentary elections, with voter turnout recorded at 72%. The results werebased on the counting of 99.63% of the total votes.
According to the announced results, the total number of seats inAl-Sulaymaniyah is 38. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) secured the firstposition with 15 seats, followed by the New Generation Movement (Al-JeelAl-Jadded- NGM) with eight seats. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) rankedthird with three seats, tied with the Islamic Union of Kurdistan (IUK), whichalso garnered three seats. The Justice Group secured two seats, the PositionCoalition received two seats, the People's Front acquired one seat, and theKurdish Alliance obtained one seat, while minority groups collectively receivedtwo seats.
In Duhok, there are a total of 25 seats, with the KDP winning 18, theNGM obtaining two, and the IUK securing two as well. The PUK, Justice Group,Position Coalition, and People's Front each received one seat.
In Erbil, the total number of seats is 34. The KDP won 17 seats, the PUKsecured six, the NGM got five, the IUK obtained one, as did the Justice Group,Position Coalition, People's Front, and minorities, each receiving one seat.
In Halabja, there are three seats; one for the PUK, one for the IUK, andone for the KDP.