2024 War Remnant Clearance: Kurdistan’s Al-Sulaymaniyah removes 30K+ unexploded ordnances

Shafaq News/ Over 30 areas have beencleared of war remnants and thousands of unexploded ordnances have beendiscovered in Kurdistan Region's Al-Sulaymaniyah, the province’s Mine ActionAgency revealed on Monday.
Director General Mohsen Abdul-Karimtold Shafaq News that his agency cleared 35 areas spanning 1,277,000 squaremeters and uncovered over 38,055 unexploded ordnances as part of months-longefforts to eliminate war remnants.
"Clearance operations led tofive casualties in the Penjwen and Sharbazher districts," he added."Our agency also ran intensive awareness campaigns benefiting over 16,800citizens, distributed more than 19,600 informational leaflets, and held twotraining courses for Peshmerga forces of the 70th Command Center, involvingover 50 officers and personnel."
Abdul-Karim emphasized the agency'scommitment to "continuing its efforts despite all challenges,"stressing the importance of collaborating with local and international entitiesto ensure a safe, war-remnant-free zone that promotes security for citizens
Notably, Al-Sulaymaniyah is one ofthe areas most affected by war remnants from past conflicts, posing a directthreat to residents' lives and hindering both agricultural and urbandevelopment.