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Get to Know secrets missions of US 82nd Devil`s Division

Get to Know secrets missions of US 82nd Devil`s Division
Get to Know secrets missions of US 82nd Devil`s Division

2020-01-06 00:00:00 - From: Baghdad Post

The US military has sent a new group of Airborne Infantry Battalion to the Middle East, amid tensions between Washington and Tehran following the killing of the Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, in a US strike in front of Baghdad airport.

A new group of a paratroop infantry battalion, from the US 82nd Airborne Division, left Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

These forces will join approximately 750 soldiers who were sent, earlier this week, to the Middle East.

The Pentagon has announced its intention to send about 3,000 additional soldiers to the area from the "82" division.

This “82” division was known as “Death from the Top,” and it is also called the “Devil 82”, an American airborne infantry division.

It was formed in 1917 during World War I, the division specializes in airdrops and paragliding, and its mission is to respond to emergencies anywhere.

This division is part of the 18th Airborne Weapon, and it consists of 6 brigades, which are "Devil Brigade", "Falcon Brigade", " Panther Brigade", "Field Artillery Brigade", "Combat Aviation Brigade" and " 82nd Brigade Support Battalion".

The American military contingent participated in the First and Second World Wars, and the Vietnam, Panama, and Afghanistan wars and counter-terrorism operations were fought.

On Sunday, US President Donald Trump threatened Iran with an unprecedented strike, if the United States was attacked by Tehran.
Trump said through his personal Twitter account: "If Iran attacks us again, it will be hit harder than any previous strike suffered."

In another tweet, the US President added: "If Iran attacks American bases or any American, we will direct our best military hardware against them without hesitation."

In response to Iranian threats of selecting 35 American sites to target in addition to Israel, Trump's threats came, clear that Washington has identified 52 Iranian sites that the army will strike if Iran targets any Americans or any American assets.

Trump's response comes after Tasnim News Agency quoted a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander as saying that Iran would punish the Americans wherever they were, in response to Soleimani's death.