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Rwanga's food distribution effort reaches Kurdistan’s Al-Sulaymaniyah

Rwanga's food distribution effort reaches Kurdistan’s Al-Sulaymaniyah
Rwanga's food distribution effort reaches Kurdistan’s Al-Sulaymaniyah

2025-03-18 18:45:23 - From: Shafaq News

Shafaq News/ The Rwanga Organization continued itshumanitarian efforts on Tuesday, distributing food aid in Al-Sulaymaniyahprovince as part of its initiative to provide 16,000 food baskets to familiesin need across the Kurdistan Region.

In a statement, Rwanga reaffirmed its “dedication to ongoingrelief efforts”, emphasizing its goal of “responding to the worsening livingconditions in the Region.”

On Sunday, Garmian launched a campaign to distribute foodbaskets to underprivileged families across the Administration in partnershipwith Rwanga.

The organization also initiated a food aid campaign tosupport low-income families in Halabja and Duhok.