Earth Hour: Kurdistan goes dark on Saturday

Shafaq News/ The KurdistanRegion will turn off lights for one hour on Saturday evening as part of theglobal Earth Hour campaign, the Region’s Environmental Protection andImprovement Board announced.
In a statement, the Boardsaid cities will participate in the initiative, heldthis year under the theme “Together for the Biggest Hour for Earth,” by cuttingnon-essential lighting from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM local time, underscoring theurgency of addressing climate challenges, cutting emissions, and encouragingsustainable practices.
Earth Hour, organized by theWorld Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), calls on individuals, institutions, andgovernments worldwide to reduce energy use for one hour each March as asymbolic gesture for the planet. The campaign, launched in 2007 in Sydney, nowspans over 170 countries.