Iraq News Now

Bad Moon Rising: Iraq on the Eve of Tet Offensive 2.0

Bad Moon Rising Iraq on the Eve of Tet Offensive
Bad Moon Rising: Iraq on the Eve of Tet Offensive 2.0

2020-03-27 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

Victor Charlie debuted in 1954 as the Saigon-Cholon Peace Committee.

Mid-1950s Vietnamese revolutionaries, inside US-occupied zones,

morphed into: "the Front" – joining patriotic, Buddhist and peace

societies en masse. By 1962, 250,000 activists enlivened myriad societies whilst

gathering info for a secret leadership. A campaign targeting Vietnamese who

collaborated with Americans, launched in 1957, ratcheted-up in 1966. By 1972

the Front had executed, gunshot-to-the-head, 37,000 US-collaborators.

"Viet Cong" – a contraction of "Vietnamese Communist"

– appeared in Saigon’s US-controlled newspapers in 1956. U.S. officers referred

to the southern-based insurgency as "V-C"; or, when festive, as: "Victor


Between 1949 and 1955 the U.S. invented: Taiwan, South Korea

and South Vietnam. Inaugural solemnities for the latter occurred October 26,

1955; eighteen months after America assumed France’s Vietnam file. South Vietnam’s

President Diem wrought holy terror upon national-liberationists. Assassinated

with US blessing in 1963, Diem was succeeded by a martinet parade.

Circa January 1968, South Vietnam’s 19.5 million inhabitants

included: 331,098 U.S. Army soldiers, 78,013 Marines and 100,000 other U.S.

government personnel. South Vietnam’s military (350,000) was buttressed by Regional

and Popularisation Forces (300,000).

Seventy-thousand of the Front’s 300,000 members were combat


In April 1967 Front leaders toured Hanoi pitching: General

Offensive, General Uprising. This, largest-operation-to-date,

received approval in July.

Hanoi then harassed U.S. garrisons along Cambodian and Laotian

frontiers. A 22-day battle at Dak To killed 262 US troops. In mid-January USMC

Khe Sanh began receiving sustained artillery fire. Khe Sanh impinged the Ho

Chi Minh Trail down which trickled 15,000 battle-tested regulars; missioned

to alloy the Front’s dilettantes. AK-47s and RPG-2s poured down the Trail.

At a U.S. Embassy-sponsored pool party in Saigon, days before

Tet, none of the assembled 200 intelligence wonks vented a thought about impending

offensives. Perhaps "pool party" says it all. Tet planning docs had

been intercepted, translated, published …and disregarded. Westmoreland’s intuition

acted-up, but he couldn’t muster alarm. An alert was ignored.

In 36 hours, starting midnight January 30, an 85,000-troop

army ambushed targets in 120 South Vietnamese locales. Attacks typically involved

mortar/rocket barrages followed-on by hundreds of charging AK-47-brandishing


Insurgents held territory in 36 of 44 provincial capitals.

Positions were usually occupied for a few hours then abandoned. Exceptions:

In Hue, 5,000 insurgents seized 190 government buildings. Marines

suffered 216 killed and 1,609 wounded in Hue; at times holding only a few blocks.

U.S. bombardment demolished 10,000 of Hue’s 17,000 buildings; leaving 116,000

of 140,000 residents homeless.

Saigon’s Cholon district became a "free-fire zone."

Bombardment left 80,000 residents homeless.

Tet reverberated for months. Village skirmishes near Saigon

claimed 500 American lives. A 119-town rural Mini-Tet hit on May 4. Saigon saw

another attack wave, May 25. A six-week ‘Third Offensive’ kicked-off in August.

U.S. and South Vietnamese forces suffered 12,700 casualties

(2,600 fatalities). Counting civilian fatalities as enemy combatants skewed

official death tallies. Officially, 7,700 civilian deaths resulted from blasting

75,000 residential buildings.

Vietnam spans 331,210 square kilometres. This area had 42 million

inhabitants in 1968.

Iraq spans 437,072 square kilometres. Iraq’s population: 40


Iraq witnesses several assassinations a day. Assassins are

militia. Targets are US-collaborators. Saigon ‘68.

Like their Vietnamese forebearers Iraqi national-liberationists

demand the U.S. leave their homeland. Like their forebearers, Iraqi militias

draw support from militaries within their country, and from foreign governments;

yet, remain civilian/paramilitary affairs comprised of politicized week-end

warriors with deep local roots.

Iraqi militia numbers match Victor Charlie’s pre-Tet numbers

i.e. 70,000

combat-available. While not as centralized, Iraqi militias exhibit collective

endeavour. In 2015 a 10,000-troop militia consortium overran ISIL’s Tikrit redoubt;

breaking through ISIL’s perimeter at eight locations.

On January 3, 2020, upon leaving Soleimani’s funeral services

(at Soleimani’s house) Iraqi militia chief Muqtada al-Sadr summoned a war-council

for January 13 in the Iranian city of Qom. Kataib Hezbollah, Al Nujaba and others


At Qom, al-Sadr called for expelling Americans in a "humiliating

manner" and for all contact with Americans to be criminalized.

Post-Qom, al-Sadr’s million-man anti-US march met expectations.

Many marched in martyr’s shrouds. The 5,000-strong Kataib Hezbollah is closing

outposts, repositioning arsenals and donning civilian profile. Al Nujaba posted

a photo of a US helicopter in rocket-launcher sites, captioned: "the

countdown has begun".

Militia surface-to-air capabilities remain unknown. Much of

their kit saw service in Tet (AK-47s, RPGs, Katyushas). Distinguishingly, militias

possess armoured vehicles, even M1 tanks.

Thirty-five times more U.S. personnel were in Vietnam 1968

than are in Iraq 2020.

Media-speak: US military personnel in Iraq number 5,200.

Translation: US (and Coalition) military (and civilian) personnel

(and home-citizen contractors) in Iraq equal 20,000 public charges shuttling

about bases like peas in a shell-game.

From 19,000-troop Camps to platoon-sized Convoy Support Depots,

the U.S. constructed hundreds of bases during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-11).

Most sit abandoned.

Nowhere in the unclassified domain are there proper lists America’s

Iraqi bases. CNN and BBC recently trumpeted Americans are

closing three of their eight Iraq bases. Bloomberg, Yahoo, Sky Arabia,

TASS and Al Arabiya reported the U.S. was

closing 15 of 17 Iraq bases. Turkish journalists counted 9 U.S. bases but

missed the one the BBC showcased. Military lists 12 Iraqi grooves

most of which are closed; but who knows. There’s a global archipelago of off-the-books


Umpteen bases close while bases at Ain Al-Asad (Al Anbar)

and Erbil International Airport expand. (Erbil is Kurdish Iraq’s capital.) Three

additional bases are under construction in Kurdish Iraq.

As Americans step outside militia range, the fate of Baghdad-area

installations (US Embassy, Green Zone etc) remains shrouded.

Presently, there are a dozen US/Coalition bases in Iraq. They

house 200 to 3,000 personnel per base.

Multi-battalion attacks, such as Iraqi militias are wont to

do, would rout these bases.

William Walter Kay is a researcher and writer from Canada.

His most recent book is From Malthus to Mifepristone: A Primer on the Population

Control Movement.

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