Iraq News Now

MOI denies stopping work on the Al-Ahdab field

MOI denies stopping work on the AlAhdab field
MOI denies stopping work on the Al-Ahdab field

2020-05-18 00:00:00 - Source: INA

Baghdad - INA


 Today, Monday, the Ministry of Oil denied its denial of work in the Al-Ahdab field, stating that the demonstrations near the field have nothing to do with the oil sector and work in the field or production operations.

 The ministry said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "what some news agencies reported regarding their intention to stop work in the Al-Ahdab field in Wasit Governorate is inaccurate and disgraceful of health," noting that the demonstrations that took place were related exclusively to the administration of the province, and had already been announced  Those responsible for the demonstrations. "

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