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Endangered Bolivian amphibians get long-awaited first date

Endangered Bolivian amphibians get longawaited first date
Endangered Bolivian amphibians get long-awaited first date

2019-04-02 00:00:00 - Source: Baghdad Post

The fate of a species may just rest on this love story.

Happily, the first date between Romeo, once the last-known

Sehuencas water frog, and Juliet, who was discovered deep inside a Bolivian

cloud forest in January, went so well the two have been living together in the

male's aquarium since.

According to a statement by Global Wildlife Conservation

(GWC) on Monday, the pair were introduced on March 1 after being cleared of

chytridiomycosis, which has decimated amphibian populations throughout the

Neotropics region.

After a period of observation, they were moved into Romeo's

aquarium, where he made a mating call for the first time since 2017: a clear

sign he is eager to breed.

"Romeo has been really sweet to Juliet, following her

around the aquarium and sacrificing his worm meals for her," said Teresa

Camacho Badani, chief of herpetology at the Museo de Historia Natural Alcide

d'Orbigny in Bolivia, which is working on the project with the GWC.

"After he's been alone for so long, it's wonderful to

see him with a mate finally."

Romeo had been found in the same cloud forest a decade ago

and it was feared that he was the last survivor of his species.

With a lifespan of 15 years, time was running out to find

Romeo a mate to ensure the survival of the species, although the frog himself

never gave up hope, continuing to call out for a mate during his decade in


Twinkle-toed performance

But it's not quite happily ever after, at least not yet.

Romeo hasn't fully figured out amplexus – the mating

position for frogs where the male holds the female until he can fertilize her

eggs as she lays them.

Some species of frog need to go into amplexus for weeks or

even months, but it isn't known how long it lasts for the Sehuencas.

So far Romeo has gotten into the correct position a handful

of times – the longest for about 15 minutes on the first day the two were put


Since meeting Juliet, Romeo has also exhibited a behavior

water frog experts had not encountered for this species: a performance in which

he rapidly twinkles the toes of his back feet, likely intended to impress the


Apart from Juliet, four other Sehuencas water frogs were

brought in from the wild during the same expedition: two males and two

additional females.

They were the first Sehuencas frogs that researchers had

seen in the wild in a decade. The others have just begun showing signs of being

ready to breed, and remain together in a single aquarium.

According to the GWC, Bolivia has the 10th highest level of

amphibian diversity in the world, but 22 percent of those species now face the

threat of extinction.

The Sehuencas frog, which is completely aquatic, was once

found in abundance at the bottom of small streams and rivers or in ponds deep

inside mountain forests.

A combination of climate change, habitat destruction,

contamination, chytridiomycosis and the introduction of invasive trout provoked

the abrupt demise of many aquatic frog species in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.

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