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How the Kurds prevent NATO expansion: an explosive Euro-Middle East mix

How the Kurds prevent NATO expansion an explosive EuroMiddle East mix
How the Kurds prevent NATO expansion: an explosive Euro-Middle East mix

2022-06-03 00:00:00 - Source: Iraq News

The Turkish army will try to suppress the formation of a coalition of “Syrian Democratic Forces” in Syria / Collage “Today”

On June 1, Turkey resumed its anti-terrorist operation in the north of neighboring Syria. Speaking in Parliament on the unfreezing of the military operation called “Source of Peace” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cleverly linked Sweden and Finland to NATO.

Website “Today” understood what was happening in this region of the Middle East.

“Source of Peace”

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Tension between Ankara and Damascus arose in 2012 at the height of the civil war in Syria, in which Turkey tacitly supported the Syrian rebels who tried to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad with the help of Western countries. As you know, Vladimir Putin stood up for Assad and he stayed in his chair, but was unable to control the entire territory of his country.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the Syrian dictator, Erdogan announced on October 9, 2019 the launch of an anti-terrorist operation. “Source of Peace” in the neighboring country. The goal was no longer the fight against the Assad regime, but the fight against the representatives of the traditional Turkish problem – the Kurds. It was officially announced that during “The source of the world” Turkish security forces will fight the Kurdish armed groups of the YPG (“People’s Self-Defense Units”, “Kurdish self-defense units”) and coalitions “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDS).

Formations “Syrian Democratic Forces”May 2022

To date, these Kurdish formations have armed the United States well, and have also been trained by American instructors. Washington, with the hands of the Kurds, including successfully defeated the positions of an Islamist terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq “Islamic State” (ISIS).


For Ankara, numerous and armed groups of Kurds pose a rather serious threat. Firstly, because they want to have their own state, which naturally implies the presence of their own regular army.

Reference: The Kurds have been in favor of creating their own state since the end of the First World War. Today it is one of the many peoples of the Middle East region – 30-40 million, it is the fourth largest ethnic group, after the Arabs, Persians and Turks. Kurds are the most numerous people in the world that do not have their own statehood.

Having pressed the army of Bashar al-Assad, at first the SDF modestly intended to proclaim its autonomy in northern Syria. But then separatist signals began to come in from the neighboring autonomous republic of Iraqi Kurdistan (Iraq). A referendum on independence was held here in 2017. The Iraqi army prevented the implementation of its results.

The Kurds also lay claim to part of Iranian and Turkish territory. That is why Erdogan is ready to work to weaken everything related to the independence of the Kurds. In response to the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, for example, he promised to sever all economic relations with the region.

This will all stop as soon as we shut off the pipeline. Then they will have no income and nowhere to get food when our trucks stop crossing the border.“- Erdogan is quoted by the British service of the BBC.

By the way, the Kurds in the region have a powerful ally – Israel. “Israel supports the legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to gain statehood“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in 2017.

Internal opposition

Inside Turkey, the Kurds, who make up nearly 23% of the country’s population, are a major political factor. Directly their Kurdistan Workers’ Party was declared terrorist in the country for carrying out many sabotage against the Turkish security forces. Therefore, she cannot participate in the national elections. In parliament, the interests of the Kurds are defended by the Peoples’ Democratic Party, which now has 62 seats in the 600-seat Turkish Grand National Assembly (parliament).

Erdogan, who in 2016 survived an armed coup attempt from his native army, does not need strong opposition, either in the form of politicians of Turkish origin, or even more so in the form of a national minority. According to a 2018 UN Human Rights Office report, Turkey has recorded a serious violation of the human rights of hundreds of thousands of people:

  • nearly 160,000 people were arrested during the 18-month state of emergency following the coup;
  • 152,000 civil servants were fired;
  • teachers, judges and lawyers have been fired or prosecuted;
  • journalists are arrested, media outlets are shut down, and websites are blocked.

Protests in Turkey continue, as does their violent dispersal / Photo by Reuters

These human rights violations, as well as the ongoing persecution of the Kurds, led the EU to remind Ankara that, with this state of affairs, it would not be a full member soon, although it submitted an application on April 14, 1987.

By the way, granting standard rights to the Kurdish minority is one of the conditions for Turkey’s accession to the EU.

New special operation

Against the backdrop of all this, Ankara suddenly realized that she has a lever of pressure on the Western world, which does not accept her for who she is – a decisive vote on admitting someone to NATO. This seems to be what Recep Tayyip Erdogan decided to take advantage of, who is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections in a year amid the economic crisis.

Sweden and Finland fell under Erdogan’s skating rink, which were absolutely sure that they would be in NATO almost the next day after the announcement of such an intention. But Erdogan reminded them that these countries, like many others, grant refugee status to the Kurds, against whom criminal cases are ongoing in Turkey.

“NATO is a security organization, not a terrorist support organization. They protect these terrorist organizations along with the police in Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and the Netherlands. They march with placards depicting leaders of terrorist organizations.”- Reuters quotes one of Erdogan’s angry remarks about applicants for NATO membership.

Today, the whole world needs to be reminded that the Kurdish issue is very important for Ankara. The most effective way is war.

“A new phase of formation begins (in Syria) “security zones” 30 km inland from the Turkish border. We clear terrorists from Tell Rifat and Manbij”- with such a statement on June 1, Erdogan restarted “Source of Peace”.

By the way, three years ago, Erdogan also sent the Turkish army to Syria in order to create a 30-kilometer buffer zone. And even declared success in the fight against “terrorists” – i.e. with Kurdish fighters against ISIS.

Report of the Kurds on the fight against ISIS

And so that Sweden and Finland could also show their zeal in the fight against terrorists (according to the United States, with their anti-ISIS allies), Erdogan invited them to participate in his special operation.

Is it possible to believe that the ignorant countries calling “occupation” the operation that Turkey is conducting to protect its southern borders from terrorists, will they participate in a joint struggle with Ankara against a common enemy? Didn’t we together take part in the International Coalition to Combat ISIS? What happened? Is such an alliance valid? No. Without receiving clear and satisfying answers to all questions for Turkey and without receiving clear documentary assurances, we will not change our positions“Erdogan said on June 1 in the Turkish parliament.


Analysts say it is quite possible that this time Erdogan will win the confrontation with the Western world and obtain for himself the extradition of some Kurdish military leaders who have taken refuge abroad. The States will also not object because of the new Turkish invasion of Syria and the destruction of the Kurdish armed formations that Washington still needs to contain the still existing ISIS formations.

Former Turkish diplomat and current researcher for Carnegie Europe, Sinan Ulgen, told the US magazine Newsweek that since the US depends on Turkey to block the straits for Russian ships, they will not argue with Ankara.

“Ankara’s calculation is perhaps that the West needs Turkey on board with NATO expansion and therefore there will be less criticism of Turkey’s cross-border operation at a critical time like this. Nevertheless, Turkey, with its position, put itself on the path of conflict with the United States.”- said Sinan Ulgen.


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