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Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.

Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.
Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.

2022-07-22 00:00:00 - From: Iraq News

Emotions: The Devils Playground: Causes of Burnout

Author, Ian Bartley

“Emotions” from Book Vine Press author Ian Bartley is a fundamental account that aims to let the readers understand the root cause of burnout and its effects.

Dear friends, I believe this book can help you identify the reasons you may be feeling burnt out and can help you make the changes to avoid a breakdown in professional occupation and relationships.”

— Ian Bartley, Author

PALATINE, IL, UNITED STATES, July 21, 2022 / -- “Emotions: The Devil’s Playground: Causes of Burnout”: a gripping tome that makes readers understand themselves, the causes of burnout, and the process that they need to take to win over this common conflict with themselves. “Emotions: The Devil’s Playground: Causes of Burnout” is the creation of published author Ian Bartley, a teacher, ordained minister, and counselor whose interests include cooking, classical music, graphic designing, Rugby league, cross country running, architecture, reading, and good suspense drama films.

Ian Bartley writes, “It’s about burnout in Ministry and any other profession that works intensely with people. It also can incorporate burnout in marriage and people who enjoy success. I was inspired to write it because many of my colleagues and people I work with or counsel are dropping out of their roles and are concerned about the high rate of resignations.”

Published by Book Vine Press, Ian Bartley’s new book wants to inform the readers that their emotions can be a playground of the devil, especially when they do not know how to control them. This account clearly explains that people are tempted to give up because someone inside them is controlling them, especially when they are burnt out.

The author believes that this book can help the readers identify why they are feeling burnt out so they may be able to avoid breakdowns both in a relationship and in their profession.

Ian Bartley
Book Vine Press
+1 888-808-2959
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July 21, 2022, 21:51 GMT

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Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.
Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.
Ian Bartley’s newly released “Emotions” is an informative handbook that explains why everyone experiences burnout.