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Tensions escalate between the PM of Kurdistan region and his deputy

Tensions escalate between the PM of Kurdistan region and his deputy
Tensions escalate between the PM of Kurdistan region and his deputy

2022-12-12 00:00:00 - From: Iraq News

Disputes between the Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan region Masrour Barzani and his deputy Qubad Talabani rise as Barzani tries to sideline Talabani's authority in the government.

  • Erbil city, Iraq (Wikimedia commons)

Tensions between the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan regional government, Masrour Barzani, and his deputy, Qubad Talabani, had escalated in what appeared to be a personal dispute where Barzani was trying to marginalize Talabani's role in running the government.

Al Mayadeen's information indicated that Talabani had refrained from participating in the regional government without officially announcing it, and there was a delegation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) negotiating with the KDP in an unannounced manner on the sidelines of the issue in order to resolve the crisis.

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Barzani also asked the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan to provide an alternative to Talabani.

According to the information, the ministers of the Patriotic Union in the regional government - unofficially and announced so far - reduced their representation in the government in protest against the developments and that their representation will remain within the framework of serving citizens.

The boycott continues

"One of the differences between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the KDP is the latter's acquisition of the special positions in the regional government, and the insistence not to fill vacancies for the special positions for known goals and objectives," said the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Ghiath al-Sorji in a press statement.

He added, "The prime minister of the region took a decision to agree to fill vacancies for special positions and make changes in the positions of deputy ministers in line with the demands of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan," considering that "this approval is a token of reconciliation with the Patriotic Union and a correct step towards resolving outstanding issues between the Party and Yekti."

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Al-Sorji also indicated that "the boycott of the meetings of the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and the ministers of the Patriotic Union will continue."

A Reuters report revealed earlier that there are serious problems between the "political dynasties" in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, which raises concern about the collapse of "the marriage of convenience" that govern their relations.

In its report, the agency said that the "clans have long been at loggerheads over power and resources in a region rich in oil and gas," noting that, "power-sharing governments have largely kept a lid on mistrust since the two sides fought a civil war in the 1990s."

Diplomats and analysts disclosed to the news site that, "the lingering acrimony has spilled into the open with a vengeance since a rare assassination in the city of Erbil, and the fallout is putting the uneasy alliance through one of its stiffest tests since the war."

The delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government arrives in Baghdad

On a separate level, the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived in the capital Baghdad to complete the negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil.

A statement issued by the Kurdistan Regional Government on Saturday stated that "with the aim of continuing negotiations between the regional government and the federal government, the delegation representing the Kurdistan region arrived today in Baghdad." 
Earlier on 27 November, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, visited the capital Baghdad to complete the ongoing negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad on the outstanding issues between the two.

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A few days earlier, the President of the Kurdistan Region went to Baghdad for the same purpose, but he cut short the visit because of the explosion that occurred in the city of Dohuk.

After his return from the Iraqi capital, the Kurdistan Regional Presidency issued a statement confirming the cooperation of Erbil and Baghdad, and "coordination between all parties to support the new federal government and the successful implementation of its ministerial platform."

The statement added that the two parties also agreed to, "work together to resolve the outstanding problems between Erbil and Baghdad, starting with Article (140) of the constitution, the budget, and finance dues, in addition to the normalization of the situation in Sinjar and the country's problems in general, through dialogue and on the basis of the constitution and preserving the country's stability and sovereignty."

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Tensions escalate between the PM of Kurdistan region and his deputy