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US envoy says Iran sanctions working, warns against nuclear breaches

US envoy says Iran sanctions working warns against nuclear breaches
US envoy says Iran sanctions working, warns against nuclear breaches

2019-06-27 00:00:00 - Source: Baghdad Post

The United States’ policy of maximum economic pressure on

Tehran is working, but US sanctions did not give Iran the right to breach its

nuclear commitments, a senior US official said on Monday.

“We are dedicated to this policy of maximum economic

pressure because it is working, it is denying the regime historic levels of

revenue,” US Special Representative on Iran Brian Hook told Reuters in an


Hook was speaking before a meeting with senior French,

British and German diplomats in Paris to convince them that the US policy was

the best way to get Iran back to the negotiating table.

The meeting also comes with Iran on course to reach that

limit of the maximum amount of enriched uranium it is allowed to have under a

2015 nuclear deal that includes the three European powers, Russia and China.

When asked about Iran possibly breaching those restrictions,

Hook said it was clear there would be consequences and that despite the US

pullout from the accord in 2018 and subsequent punishing sanctions, it was not

an excuse to violate the accord.

“Our sanctions do not give Iran the right to accelerate its

nuclear program,” he said. “It can never get near a nuclear bomb. We are

looking very closely at that so it doesn’t get below the one year nuclear

breakout time.”

The 2015 deal, which lifted international sanctions against

Iran in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear activities, is aimed at

extending the time Iran would need to produce a nuclear bomb, if it chose to,

to a year from roughly 2-3 months.

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